July 28, 2023
July 27, 2023

The Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards (CFATS) program, which provides uniform standards for chemical manufacturers to ensure facility safety, expired on July 27 due to inaction by the Senate. The House passed H.R. 4470, the Protecting and Securing Chemical Facilities from Terrorist Attacks Act, on July 25 by a vote of 409-1.
Impact to Facilities: SOCMA strongly recommends that all SOCMA members with a facility regulated by the Department of Homeland Security in the Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards (CFATS) program continue to maintain compliance with the security regulations and measures. We are optimistic this is a temporary halt on the CFATS program.
Status: The Senate failed to pass a CFATS extension by the July 27th expiration, but we are optimistic this is a temporary halt on the CFATS program. The Senate is on break until September 5.
- Enforcement: While DHS cannot enforce compliance with the CFATS regulations at this time, we encourage chemical facilities to maintain the program’s security measures.
- Impact to DHS Resources: DHS has shut down online resources and portals related to the program (including the Chemical Security Assessment Tool (CSAT 2.0) portal). DHS is halting screening under the Personnel Surety Program (PSP) and pausing the review of Top-Screens. DHS will also reach out to each company that has a Compliance Assistance Visit or regularly scheduled Compliance Audit and likely cancel.
SOCMA Goal: SOCMA, along with our collation partners, will continue to work with the Senate on a path forward. A multi-year re-authorization of CFATS, which provides regulatory certainty for the Specialty Chemical Industry
Contact SOCMA
If you encounter any challenges, or you have any questions, please contact Genevieve Strand at government.relations@socma.org.
Categorized in: CFATS, government relations, Policy