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BAHP: WVE Report Unsubstantiated, Based on Misinformation

ARLINGTON, VA– The Center for Baby and Adult Hygiene Products (BAHP) Executive Director Jane Wishneff released the following statement on behalf of the industry in response to the Women’s Voices for the Earth (WVE) report regarding the safety of feminine hygiene products:

June 5, 2018

SOCMA Members Gather to Discuss Safety Culture, Share Best Practices

The value of SOCMA’s 2018 EHS Regional Roundtables can be summarized in just a few words. This year’s attendees particularly enjoyed the key theme, “safety culture,” as well as the opportunity to “discuss” key issues with their peers during “breakout sessions.”

June 1, 2018

Important ChemStewards Due Dates

Up-to-date scorecards and performance summaries will be provided to presidents of each ChemStewards® participating company in June.

June 1, 2018