April 5, 2023
Samantha Hill
Manager, Communications
(571) 348-5116
SOCMA Adds Two Industry Executives to its Board of Governors
ARLINGTON, VA – The Society of Chemical Manufacturers & Affiliates (SOCMA) recently appointed two long-time chemical executives to its Board of Governors – Paul Cahill, President, Sofix Corporation, and Joe Wilson, President & CEO, Toll Solutions, LLC.
“We warmly welcome Paul Cahill and Joe Wilson, two seasoned chemical industry executives, to our leadership ranks,” said Jennifer Abril, SOCMA President & CEO. “Chemical manufacturing in the U.S. is on the rise, and SOCMA is growing along with it. With the experience and passion Paul and Joe bring, SOCMA gains a deeper perspective on serving the needs of small but rapidly growing specialty chemical producers.”

Paul Cahill, President of Sofix
Paul Cahill is President of Sofix, serving in that role since 2016, and has been with the company since its creation in 1990. Originally from Ireland, Cahill began his career in the coal research and refinery operations planning with Conoco and made a career shift early on to specialty chemicals and plant engineering. He then spent several years in operations management at the former Great Lakes Chemicals in brominated flame retardants before joining Sofix.
Over the past four decades, Cahill has developed Sofix into a world-class organic synthesis specialty custom chemical and toll manufacturer, steering the company towards diversification and expansion of its business over time.
“I’m delighted to join SOCMA’s Board to contribute my experience to enhance SOCMA’s critical offerings,” said Cahill. “Sofix is a small manufacturing company, and the past several years have been characterized by significant reinvestment and renewal of our facilities and pilot plant capabilities. SOCMA enables companies like mine to efficiently, affordably address operational efforts without giving up our agility. I look forward to helping maximize the association’s deliverables.”
Joe Wilson, President & CEO of Toll Solutions, LLC
Joe Wilson is Owner, President & CEO of Toll Solutions, LLC, a custom and toll manufacturer in Duncan, SC. He brings to the SOCMA Board nearly 50 years of extensive experience in industry. Prior to Toll Solutions, Wilson held executive leadership positions at StarChem, Wacker Silicones and Henkel.
“I’m excited to join the SOCMA Board at such a dynamic time for the association and industry,” said Wilson. “Toll Solutions is a small entrepreneurial family-owned business that values our employees, customers and suppliers, and SOCMA is a centralized hub we rely on to strengthen operations and deliver high-quality products. I’m eager to dive in to help propel the association and industry forward.”
With a passion for contributing to organizations that help the wider community, Wilson also serves on multiple local boards in his area. In 2021, he was awarded the Middle Tyger Area Citizen of the Year. He has a Bachelor of Science degree from Cornell University.
View SOCMA’s full 2023 Board of Governors at
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