Categories for Policy

TSCA Section 5 Extensions Issued Post-Shutdown

EPA has published a Federal Register Notice stating that it is extending the review periods for all TSCA Section 5 PMNs, SNUNs, MCANs, and exemption notices that were submitted to the Agency under TSCA section 5 before December 29, 2018 and for which the review period of those notices had not yet expired as of that date. This extension impacts 581 new chemical notifications.

February 5, 2019


 January 31, 2019  Office of the Secretary  United States International Trade Commission  500 E Street SW  Washington, DC 20436  Via... View Article

January 31, 2019


January 15, 2019 Mr. Edward Gresser Chair of the Trade Policy Staff Committee Office of the U.S. Trade Representative 600... View Article

January 15, 2019

TSCA Delays Anticipated Due to Government Shutdown

With the U.S. government shutdown moving into its third week, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has signaled it anticipates delays related to its responsibilities under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA).

January 9, 2019